Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Supports

Support is needed in what ever a person is trying to do in life. God is the best support that I have because I know that I would not be able to accomplish anything without the God on my side. We can't survive without God in our life. When it comes to support I think about family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors, we all support one another whether it is physically, mentally, socially, or emotionally. As my children were growing up I support them and the many choices they made. I have one granddaughter that I love very much, I try to support her because my daughter which is her mother died after giving birth, so its hard for her to understand why everyone else mother participates in events at school, but she never has saw or touched her mother. My son is supporting me on my journey of finishing up my Master's degree along with co-workers and friends. I believe that if we don't have support it makes it hard for us to complete a task.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Connection to Play

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." Plato
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." George Bernard Shaw

I believe that play is different today because the children are not the same with all of the technology going on. The children today just want to play video games, be on the computer, and watch television. Years ago, children played outside doing a variety of activities.Children use their imagination to make up games.
Play is important and I believe that it should carry on throughout adulthood because it relieves stress and gives you a peace of mind. When adults interact with children they can find out so much about the child. I love to play with children because it build them physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

                                                     Reflecting on Building a Relationship

Building a relationship and partnership is an important factor in my life because of the world we live is based on socialization, partenering, and building relationship with others. I feel that I am an educator and a advocate for children so I have to beable to address many people and build relationships with communities and families of the children.
My mom has played an important part in my life and my have a great relationship that has been building for years. She is the first person that I go to when I need advice about must situation going on in my life. She taught me to be an advocate for me children and how to deal with many situations. My mom and I communicate everyday, we plan things together and she is my shoulder when I need one. My co-worker are also important to me because we are also like family, we spend just about the same time maybe even more with one another, but we all know that family type relationship and partnership did not start the first day we meet it took time for us to learn one another and get on the same page about a true purpose and that is to see successful children. The only the challenge that we experience asco-worker are parents collaborating with the program.
My mom is always here to offer anyone encouraging words when need and with my co-workers we offer and share different experience and techiques that can be benefitical in the classroom, because we want to successful children and families, because it takes all of us to raise our children.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Quotes for the Young Ones

"If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shal have to begin with children." Mohandes Ghandi, political and spiritual leader in India

"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them." Lady Bird Johnson, former U.S. first lady

"Children are our most valuable resources." Herbert Hoover, 31st U.S. president

"Hugs can do great amounts of good, especially for children." Princess Diana, Princess of Wales

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Natural Diaster

A natural disaster includes earthquake, floods, hurricane, landslides and mudslides, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanos, and wildfires. Many people have experienced some type of natural disaster, but I have not experience it, but I know a family who was from New Orleans who children came to our Head Start center. The children were quite but they interacted with peer’s fine. As an adult I know that it was hard on them because they had come from another state meeting all these new people, leaving family behind, and possibly seeing friend or family member dead. A natural disaster brings many ramification such as death, damage materials like homes cars, and land. When natural disasters occur many lives children are affected because of the things they may see. I found an article were a Sports teacher Masami Hoshi said: ‘The tsunami came just when the parents of the middle age group were starting to arrive to collect their children so we managed to get them inside and to safety.’ The younger ones had left with their parents a little earlier. The ones who went home behind the school probably survived the ones who went the other way probably did not.” When the tsunami struck, 160,000 people were living in the town, which is about 50 miles north-east of Sendai. So far 425 have been confirmed dead with another 1,693, including the parents of the 30 pupils, listed as missing. Many families had to cook and eat outside of their damaged homes (Mail Online, 2011).
Mail Online (2011, March). Sitting silent in their classroom, the 30 children whose parents have not come to collect them after tsunami swept away their town. Retrieved January 26, 2012, from

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Child Development and Public Health

Breastfeeding is something that a lot of mothers try to avoid, because it is time consuming, it can be painful, and because of the attachment, but I am hear to say that breastfeeding is the best thing a mother can do for her child because all of the nutrients and anitbodies that the baby receives from your breastmilk. Breast milk cintains antibodies that helps protect infants from common childhood illnesses- such as diarrhoea and pneumonia. Breast milk is affordable, and there is evidence that people who were breastfed perform better in intelligence tests (Geggero, 2011).

In Thailand a girl who is four-years old continue to receive the nutrients she needs through breast milk as a snack. Donut Wanmuang has been breastfed since the day she was born. For the first six months of life, it was the only form of nourishment she had. Paveethida Wanmuang who is Donut's mother says she trys to breastfeed her children. Only 5.4 percent or around 43,000 of the estimated 800,000 babies born in the country each year are exclusively breastfed for the first six months, which is the lowest exclusive breastfeeding rate in Asia and one of the lowest in the world. "Exclusive breastfeeding really does save lives, according to Dr. Kannika." Dr. Kannika says that breast milk ensures optimal growth and development for babies and create an important bond between a mother and her child, and it also protects mothers from breastand ovarian cancers. Many mothers aren't giving encouragement to breastfeed from the medical staff so it isn't done. Many mother work outside the home so it makes it difficult to continue exclusive breastfeeding (Keenapan, 2008).

All breastfeeding information is useful to all mothers-to-be because breastfeeding is good for the mother-to-be and for the baby. I breastfed so I encourage all my parents who are soon to be moms to breastfeed, because it is better for both her and the baby.

Geggero. 2011. 10 Facts About Breastfeeding. Retrieved January 13, 2012, from
Keenapan, N. (2008). When breast is best! Retrieved January 13, 2012, from